IBI Blog

IBI Blog

IBI Global is the trusted training provider in online workplace English and Innovation Coach based on the blended eLearning solution for corporations, startups and institutions, awarded top in the world

We strongly believe that most companies are in need of an entrepreneurial mindset to help them innovate. During our innovation projects we focus on corporate innovation, giving you the skills, confidence, and support to drive and influence change in your organization.

IBI blog raises questions on career development and innovation issues written by our experienced and talented technologists, experts and mentors across the globe. 

Why Is Blended e-Learning a Reliable Method?

Why Is Blended e-Learning a Reliable Method?
Author: Robin Nguyen Post date: 30-08-2021

Where Are the Opportunities in EdTech?

Where Are the Opportunities in EdTech?
Author: Robin Nguyen Post date: 24-08-2021

EdTech and Local Understanding

EdTech and Local Understanding
Author: Robin Nguyen Post date: 15-10-2020
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