Education Innovation: Yin and Yang in E-Learning Innovation

Yin and Yang in E-Learning Innovation

Author: Robin Nguyen Post date: 18-11-2017

Yin / Yang are the two halves that together complete wholeness. Yin and yang are also the starting point for change. When something is whole, by definition it is unchanging and complete. So when you split something into two halves – yin / yang, it upsets the equilibrium of wholeness. This starts both halves chasing after each other as they seek a new balance with each other.

In e-Learning, macro-learning, perceived as Yang, involves a larger time commitment, a focus on specified learning objectives, and is often used when choosing to engage with content that is unfamiliar. In contrast, micro-learning, perceived as Yin, is something that can be done on your phone, in the subway on the way to work. It is quick and focuses on specific pieces of information or skills. E-Learning professionals are currently grappling with these two types of learning as if they are not interrelated. It means the two halves of Yin and Yang does not complete the wholeness.

Secondly, socio-cultural practice, Language or Innovation training requires high level of interactivity and collaboration that online courses must offer the opportunity to create a highly social learning environment. Self-paced learning based on macro-learning or micro-learning independently cannot full fill this need of learners, collaboration learning needs to be integrated to seek a new balance.

Thirdly, in some age groups like children and teenagers, 100% learning online may create a “side effect”. A harmonization between online and offline will deliver the most benefits to the learners.

Understand the philosophy, IBI Global spent hundreds of hours brainstorming and discussing with companies’ leaders, education experts, psychologists and IT leaders to express the desire to find a learning solution that could improve the reality.

We found that embracing and applying Yin and Yang philosophy within the broader paradigm of the our system is one of our effective pedagogical strategies.


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