E-Learning 4.0: Challenges Still Ahead
As an EdTechprenuer, I have learnt about different eLearning models through my research and networks. Key words like e-Learning, Life-Long Learning, Learning Management Systems (LMS), Blended Learning, Flipped Classrooms, or Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) represent just few of the headlines dominating the last two decades of the education development.
I sometimes overthink how the e-Learning industry is still challenging in meeting the needs and demands of learners after the two decades of growth. It might be the user mindset is still falling behind or we as education technology companies have not done well enough? Would e-Learning 4.0 be an answer?
Let’s count from e-Learning 1.0 to e-Learning 3.0:
- E-Learning 1.0: The idea is to facilitate the learning and communication process given the lack of interactivity tools. This is a time of static web pages, reading, and owning content.
- E-Learning 2.0: The advent of social networks, active collaboration through a bundle of new technologies, and content sources, such as blogs, podcasts, video, etc. Here begins the era of writing content and sharing ideas.
- E-Learning 3.0: Semantic web and active user engagement. The focus is on the individual learners, their behavior and response to educational content.
In this perspective, the development of Ed tech is a logical extrapolation of global web trends. Putting these models into a timeline, my rough guess would be:
- 1993-2000 for 1.0: this one is definitely over
- 2000-2010 for 2.0: yet the present is still pretty much about social media
- 2010 on-wards for 3.0: blended e-Learning – elaborating interactivity, intuitive learner experience and individual approach
We can picture Learning 4.0 as a higher form of blended e-Learning 3.0. E-Learning 4.0 would be as a Software Solution: Features
- Performance tracking and analysis: Same as in Web 3.0, it’s critically important to monitor students’ progress and behavior, fixing weaknesses along the way.
- Going mobile: I can hear somebody say we are already there, but it’s not strictly true. The younger generation is integrated into the mobile ecosystem, yet many teachers are still thinking ‘desktop’ or ‘brick-and-mortar’. E-Learning 4.0 is poised to proclaim mobility a must-have asset.
- Personalized approach/ AI: Relevant knowledge needs to be channeled and delivered right to the recipient rather than dispersed with no specific targeting or further retention. The problem e-Learning 4.0 has to face is the right balance between automation, personalization and consistent methodology.
- Gamification as a strategy: E-Learning 4.0 software will grant gamification its rightful place in the feature hierarchy.
The future begins today! From IBI Global’s perspective, it’s always great to know where we can do more, what content works better for particular learners and how we can move up to the next level to serve our learners better.
Related posts:
- The two biggest challenges in e-Learning
- Technology should facilitate, not replace, the role of teachers
- Yin and Yang in e-Learning innovation